Exhibition Tour #2
Venue: MZIN, kolonnadenstrasse 20, 04109 Leipzig, Germany |
Dear Abdullah, video, 13:22,dimension: 1920 × 1080
Translation from Arabic: Abdullah H. Voice over: Elva Lai & Abdullah H. Proofreading: Vincent Fung This is the second exhibition space of the same project "Free Swimmer" in a different way inspired by the art space of MZIN, an independent bookstore in Leipzig, Germany. I held a book launch in space and shared the purpose of the project with the audience.
This project juxtaposes the escape of Syrian refugees in 2015 and the history of refugees from China to Hong Kong in the 60s and 70s. In the framework of this book, the history of Hong Kong “Freedom Swimmers” in the 60s and 70s is presented, and the escape stories of Syrian refugees to Germany in Summer 2015 are presented as illustrations.
I like to explore different countries and local industrial or interior design materials to enrich my installation art, even if it is mainly photography. For example, during my residency programmes in different countries, I explore local interior design materials and use them in my artworks, especially in the display of exhibition venues. In terms of presentation, I focus on the combination of colours, materials and the richness of the photographic and installation work.
The industrial or interior design materials that I use in the city enrich the work and allow the viewer to experience the content of the work in greater depth. I am easily drawn to historical or social events in the countries I visit, and I am easily moved by the events of everyday life. |
藝術計劃: 《游向自由》 2017
這個項目將2015年敘利亞難民的逃亡故事 與60、70年代從中國到香港的難民歷史並列在一起。 我喜歡探索不同的國家、地方上具有特色的工業或室內設計材料,去豐富自己的裝置藝術,即使是以攝影為主的創作上。例如我在不同國家的藝術駐留計劃中,會去探索當地的室內設計材料,運用在自己的藝術創作之中,尤其是在展覽場地的展示上。在呈現上,我着重顏色、物料的組合,對攝影及裝置作品所帶來的豐盛。
那些我在城市中運用的工業或室內設計材料,豐富了作品,也使觀眾能夠更深入地感受作品中的內容。我容易在我探訪中的國家所發生的歷史或社會事件吸引,也容易因日常生活中的事件感動而創作。 |